Friday, June 2, 2023

Week 9: Space + Art

The Space of Art of B.E. Johnson

This week we learned how space and art are connected. Learning about space + art has been very fun since it is a combination of topics we have learned the past few weeks such as nanotechnology and mathematics (Vesna). It is very interesting to me how art has encouraged exploration and space development. A great example of this would be the Leonardo Space Art Project who aims to “make visible the work of artists, writers, composers and others interested in the exploration of outer space. [They] also aim to help establish contact between artists, scientists and engineers interested in working together on space art projects” (Leonardo Space Art Project). It fascinates me that organizations such as this one allows for artists to potentially create new ideas with scientists. These people promote space and art to allow the advancement of space exploration.

Powers of Ten (1977)

I also really enjoyed watching Powers of Ten which illustrated the size of our world. As they zoomed out by powers of ten, we got to explore the size of the universe compared to something so small as ourselves. This video is a great example of the combination of art and science because it is able to capture great detail of the universe as well as educating the public on the size of the universe and molecular world (Eames Office).

Solar System 

Space and art also come together in order to keep the public in the loop. For instance, scientists can come across obstacles when providing information to the public such as not interpreting their findings in a way that is easy to understand. As a result, scientists collaborate with artists in order to communicate their ideas and findings to the public (Sutter). The division in this world has convinced us that the difference between science and art entails that they aren’t meant to collaborate in any way (ArtworkAbode). However, as I have learned throughout the course, throughout history we have used art and science to understand and describe the world around us. They have allowed us to gain further knowledge about the universes and we have learned that both are equally important to the contribution of human advancement. The combination of art and science has allowed us to learn so much about space and has allowed us to explore so much beyond our world.

Works Cited

Admin, ArtworkAbode, and Admin. “Combining Art and Science – Creativity at Its Best.” Artwork Abode, 10 July 2019,

EamesOffice. “Powers of TenTM (1977).” YouTube, 26 Aug. 2010,

Leonardo Space Art Project. "The Leonardo Space Art Project Working Group." Leonardo Space Art Project, Accessed 2 June 2023.

Sutter, Paul M. “The Surprising Power of Merging Science with Art.” Forbes, 24 Feb. 2019,

Vesna, Victoria. Week 9: Science + Art. Design and Media Arts 9: Art, Science, and Technology. University of California, Los Angeles. May 2023.

Images Cited

B.E.Johnson, Space Artist. “The Space Art of b.e.Johnson.” Space Art, Astronomical Art, Advanced Concept, 3D Animation, Film of B.E.Johnson, Accessed 2 June 2023.

Displate. “‘solar System’ Poster by Anna Mozano.” Displate, Accessed 2 June 2023.

EamesOffice. “Powers of TenTM (1977).” YouTube, 26 Aug. 2010,


1 comment:

  1. I totally agree that the intersection of space and art is an excellent opportunity to clearly articulate the work of scientists to the average person. Such a far reaching science is difficult to communicate new findings to people and art is an essential aspect that can provide information in a thoughtful and universal manner.



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